Dot net Web Applications

Dot net web application is a key Microsoft technology. It is currently being employed across a wide range of industries. The primary usage of technology is for web development. However, Microsoft is currently working to improve the scope of dot net.

It is a combination of performance and flexibility. Moreover, Microsoft has developed an extensive library of it. It has helped in the making of several applications and has also helped in minimizing the time required to make the applications.

The experts of this field are expected to be well versed in the libraries that are being employed for dot net web application development. Moreover, they are expected to be experts in core languages, databases, and presentations.

Course key learning

The person will become capable of understanding the dot net framework. Moreover, the developer would be capable of using a wide range of software’s. Debugging applications, developing user interfaces, and use entity frameworks are some skills that the developers would learn from the course.

Dot net introduction

The people entering the world of dot net web applications have to be well versed in several fields. First of all, they are expected to be experts of dot net framework and visual studio 2015. Following this, it is expected that they must be experts in a wide range of programming languages. They should also be capable of creating dot net solutions and projects.

Brief course outline
  • C# program structure
  • Object-oriented programming in C#
  • Introduction to windows forms
  • Introduction to SQL server
  • Overview of dot net and web technologies
  • Designing asp dot net MVC web applications
  • Developing asp dot net MVC models
  • Developing asp dot net MVC controllers
  • Developing asp dot net MVC views
  • Working with layouts
  • Structuring asp dot net MVC web applications
  • Applying styles to asp dot net MVC WEB applications
  • Using JavaScript and jQuery for responsive MVC web applications
  • AJAX
  • Controlling access to asp dot net MVC web applications
  • Building a resilient asp dot net MVC web applications
  • Implementing web APIs in asp dot net MVC web applications
  • Deploying asp dot net MVC web applications
Learning objectives
  • This course is designed to develop/maintain web applications using DOTNET scripts, HTML, XHTML & CSS.
  • Design Implementing commercial-level databases for web applications.
  • Live project end-to-end software development training.
  • Course content is designed by considering the current job market.
  • Best suitable for beginners to advanced level users and who learn faster when demonstrated

If you want to learn dot net web application development or want to polish your dot net web application development skills, you can enroll in our dot net web application development training. Enroll now or Contact us for more Details.